Plan miasta Novi Breg

Novi Breg - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Só Playlists!: Hits 1970 a 2008 - Por artista

Sempre atualizado. No ar desde 1999. Nomes anteriores: Pop Br Top 100, RadioBrasil e PlaylistBrasil. Publica-se também playlists temáticos como: Dance anos 90, bBrega/b anos 70, Hits dos anos 80, Mais tocadas desde 1970, entre outros. b....../b The Go-Go's - bVacation/b - 1982. The Go-Go's - We Got The Beat - 1982. The Go-Go's - Head Over Heels - 1984. The Go-Go's - Turn To You - 1984. The Greg Kihn Band - The Breakup Song (They Don't Write 'Em) - 1981 ...
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zagreb,capital city

there is also an interesting theory that zagreb may mean a place behind a hill ("za bbreg/b"), ie behind the sava river's bank, and then the name just changed into zagreb. this theory is supported by the fact that sava had once flowed b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch
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